This assessment includes:

  • A comprehensive subjective and objective exam to assess any underlying causes of your problem. (Valued at $95)

  • A personalized written plan to show you exactly how you are going to achieve your personal health goals. (Value Priceless!)

  • Including a Digital Postural screen with a written report.

Chances are you're here because of one of these reasons:

  1. You want to get pain relief FAST (like yesterday FAST)
  2. You have an ongoing issue that hasn't been resolved and you want to get on top of it permanently
  3. You're concerned about a problem developing and want to nip it in the bud before it affects your quality of life

We are famous for our incredible results with Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Headaches/Migraines, Shoulder Pain, Knee/Hip Pain, Foot/Plantar Fasciitis Pain, and many more sources of pain.


(Normally valued at $95)

If you have private health insurance, we are able to direct bill to most insurances and this could be a no out-of-pocket expense for you.


Or complete the form for our lovely staff to reach out to you.


  • Identify what is going on for you and what the source of your problem is

  • Provide you with treatment to get you moving in the right direction immediately

  • Create a tailored solution to help you get the results that you want personally

Terms and Conditions: Only Valid for new patients only! Treatment not included, if you choose to be treated, there is an additional fee.

Chiropractor Calgary AB Aaron D'Amico About

Meet The Team

Aaron D’Amico D.C.

Welcome to Tuscany Chiropractic & Massage located at 11300 Tuscany Blvd NW #2074 in Calgary AB. We understand that choosing a chiropractor is a big decision. Please don't hesitate to contact our Calgary AB chiropractors with any further questions you have. We are here to help you achieve your goals.

Real People. Real Results.

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.

Maya A.

While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment.

B.J. P.

Do you suffer from any of these pain symptoms?

  • Swelling Or Stiffness?

  • Redness Or Warmth To The Touch?

  • Weakness Or Instability?

  • Popping Or Crunching Noises?

  • Inability To Fully Straighten The Knee?

  • Can't Bear Weight On The Knee?